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Are Leaky Basements A Problem

Leaky basements can be a major issue that homeowners face, and understanding the underlying causes is necessary. Today we will delve into the various aspects of a leaky basement. Let's explore this topic further and uncover new insights that will help you address this problem effectively.

What are the Reasons for Leaky Basements?

If you are experiencing a leaky basement, there are several potential reasons for this issue. Some of the major reasons for a leaky basement include the following.

Poor Drainage

One common cause is poor drainage around your home's foundation. When water is not properly directed away from the foundation, it can seep into the basement through cracks or gaps. Another potential cause is a high water table, which occurs when the level of groundwater rises above the basement floor. This can put pressure on the foundation walls and lead to leaks.


Another possible cause is cracks in the foundation walls or floors. These cracks can develop over time due to the natural settling of the soil or as a result of structural issues. Additionally, leaks can occur if there are gaps or holes in the basement walls or windows. These openings can allow water to enter and cause damage. It is important to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage to your home.

Type of Soil

In some cases, the type of soil surrounding the foundation can play a role in basement leaks. Certain soil types, such as clay, have a higher water-holding capacity and can retain moisture for longer periods of time. This can increase the likelihood of water seeping into the basement. Another factor to consider is the slope of the land. If the ground around the house slopes towards the foundation, water can easily flow toward the basement and cause leaks.

What Damage Leaky Basement Cause?

If you have a leaky basement, it can cause significant damage to your home. Some of the major damages are as follows.


Mold spores can cause respiratory issues, allergies, and even infections. Excess moisture can create the perfect environment for mold growth, which can pose serious health risks to you and your family. Mold spores can trigger allergies, asthma attacks, and respiratory problems. It is crucial to address a leaky basement promptly to prevent further damage and maintain a safe living environment.

Energy Consumption

A leaky basement can also impact your energy efficiency. Water infiltration can affect the insulation in your walls and floors, reducing its effectiveness and causing your heating and cooling systems to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. This can lead to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. By addressing basement leaks, you can improve your home's energy efficiency and save money in the long run.

Pests and Insects

A leaky basement can also attract pests and insects. Moisture and standing water provide an ideal breeding ground for pests like mosquitoes, termites, and rodents. These pests can not only cause damage to your home but also pose health risks. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, while termites can cause extensive structural damage. By addressing and preventing basement leaks, you can minimize the risk of pest infestations and protect your home and family.

How to Deal with Leaky Basement?

Leaky basements can be a common problem in many homes. If you are experiencing water seepage or dampness in your basement, it is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage. One of the first steps you can take is to call a professional plumber who specializes in basement waterproofing. Professionals have the expertise and tools necessary to assess the extent of the problem and provide effective solutions. They can identify the source of the leak and recommend appropriate repairs or waterproofing measures.

Call an Experienced Plumber Today

Have you experienced issues with the drains in your home? A clogged drain can lead to serious plumbing problems if not rectified immediately. Contact the trusted and knowledgeable plumbing team from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX at 281-391-2001 to schedule an appointment for service.

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What Are the Signs of Sewer Backup

When it comes to sewer backups, it is important to understand the potential risks and the importance of professional plumbing services. Sewer backups can lead to significant damage to your property and pose health hazards due to the presence of harmful bacteria and pathogens. Hiring a qualified plumber is crucial in addressing these issues effectively and preventing further damage. However, there are several signs you can notice to avoid major problems.

Slow Drains

Are you experiencing slow drains in your home? This could be a sign of a sewer backup, a problem that should not be ignored. When your drains are slow, it means that there is a blockage in your sewer system, preventing water and waste from flowing freely. This can lead to serious issues if not addressed promptly.One common cause of slow drains is a buildup of debris and grease in the pipes. Over time, these substances can accumulate and create a blockage, restricting the flow of water. Another possible cause is tree roots infiltrating the sewer lines. Tree roots are attracted to the moisture in the pipes and can grow into them, causing obstructions. Additionally, damaged or collapsed pipes can also lead to slow drains.

Foul Odors

If you're noticing a foul odor in your home, it could be a sign of a sewer backup. This is a common problem that many homeowners face, and it's important to address it promptly to prevent further damage. Sewer backups occur when there is a blockage in the sewer line, causing wastewater to flow back into your home. This can result in unpleasant smells, as well as potential health hazards.One of the main causes of sewer backups is a clogged sewer line. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as tree root intrusion, grease buildup, or foreign objects being flushed down the toilet. It's important to note that sewer backups can also be caused by issues with the municipal sewer system, such as heavy rain or a damaged sewer line.


Gurgling can be an indication of a sewer backup. When your plumbing system is functioning properly, you should not hear any unusual sounds. However, if you start to hear gurgling noises coming from your drains or toilets, it may be a sign that there is a blockage in your sewer line. This blockage can cause the wastewater to back up and create pressure, resulting in a gurgling sound.One possible cause of a sewer backup is a clogged sewer line. Over time, debris such as hair, grease, and food particles can accumulate in the pipes, leading to a blockage. Additionally, tree roots can invade the sewer line, causing it to become clogged. These blockages can restrict the flow of wastewater, leading to backups and gurgling sounds.

Water Backup

Water backup can be a clear indication of a sewer backup issue in your plumbing system. This is a common problem that many homeowners face, and it can lead to significant damage if not addressed promptly. Sewer backups occur when there is a blockage or obstruction in the sewer line, causing wastewater to flow back into your home through drains, toilets, or sinks.One of the primary causes of sewer backup is tree root intrusion. Tree roots are attracted to the moisture and nutrients in sewer lines, and over time, they can grow into the pipes, causing blockages and backups. Other common causes include grease buildup, foreign objects flushed down the toilet, and heavy rainfall that overwhelms the sewer system.

Regular Maintainance

Regular maintenance is crucial for detecting signs of sewer backup. By regularly inspecting and cleaning your sewer system, you can prevent potential issues from escalating into major problems.Regular maintenance also involves inspecting your sewer pipes for any cracks, leaks, or tree root intrusions. These issues can lead to sewer backup if left unaddressed. By conducting routine inspections, you can identify and resolve these problems before they worsen. It is recommended to hire a professional plumber who can use specialized equipment, such as video cameras, to thoroughly inspect your sewer lines.

Call an Experienced Plumber Today

Have you experienced issues with the drains in your home? A clogged drain can lead to serious plumbing problems if not rectified immediately. Contact the trusted and knowledgeable plumbing team from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX at 281-391-2001 to schedule an appointment for service.

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Is Fluctuating Water Pressure An Issue

Fluctuating water pressure can be a frustrating issue that many homeowners face. It can cause problems with showering, dishwashing, and even watering the lawn. To address fluctuating water pressure, it is important to identify the underlying cause. This may require the assistance of a professional plumber who can inspect the plumbing system and diagnose the issue. They can also then recommend the appropriate solution, whether it be repairing or replacing a faulty pressure regulator, clearing clogged pipes, or adjusting your water heater. By addressing the underlying cause of fluctuating water pressure, you can ensure a consistent and reliable water supply throughout your home.

What Causes Fluctuation?

When it comes to understanding the reasons for fluctuating water pressure in your home, it's important to consider a variety of factors. Some of the reasons for fluctuations include the following.

Water Supply

The amount of water being supplied to your home or building directly affects the pressure at which it flows through your pipes. If the water supply is inconsistent or inadequate, it can lead to low water pressure. This can be caused by various factors, such as high demand during peak usage times, water main breaks, or issues with the water treatment and distribution infrastructure. It is important to understand that the responsibility for maintaining a steady water supply lies with the local water utility or municipality.

Malfunctioning Pressure Regulator

If you're experiencing fluctuating water pressure in your home, it could be due to a malfunctioning water regulator. A water regulator is a device that controls the flow and pressure of water entering your plumbing system. When it malfunctions, it can result in inconsistent water pressure throughout your home. This can be frustrating and can affect the performance of your appliances and fixtures.

Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, play a crucial role in maintaining water pressure in your home. When these fixtures are not functioning properly, it can lead to fluctuating water pressure. One common issue is a clogged aerator in faucets, which can restrict the flow of water and cause pressure problems.


Blockage in your plumbing system can be a major culprit behind fluctuating water pressure. When there is a blockage, it restricts the flow of water, causing pressure to build up in certain areas and decrease in others. This can lead to inconsistent water pressure throughout your home. The blockage can occur in various parts of the plumbing system, such as pipes, faucets, or showerheads. It can be caused by a buildup of sediment, mineral deposits, or even debris.

What is Good Water Pressure?

To understand what constitutes good water pressure, it is important to know the standard measurements used in the plumbing industry. Water pressure is typically measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). The ideal range for residential properties is between 40 and 80 PSI. Anything below 40 PSI is considered low, while anything above 80 PSI is considered high. It is crucial to maintain water pressure within this range to prevent damage to your plumbing system and ensure the proper functioning of your fixtures and appliances.

How to Fix Fluctuating Water Issue?

To improve water pressure in your home, there are several steps you can take. Some of the efficient solutions include the following.


To solve the fluctuating water issue in your home, it is important to start with a thorough inspection of your plumbing system. This inspection should include checking for any leaks, cracks, or other damage in your pipes, faucets, and fixtures. Additionally, it is crucial to examine the water pressure in your home to ensure it is consistent and within the recommended range.

Clear Any Clogs

If you notice a decrease in water pressure, it may be due to a clogged pipe. Using a plunger or a drain snake, you can attempt to clear any blockages in your plumbing system. However, for more severe clogs, it is best to consult a professional plumber.

Repair Any Leaks

Even small leaks can affect water pressure. Inspect your plumbing system for any signs of leaks, such as water stains or dripping faucets. If you find any leaks, it is important to repair them promptly to restore consistent water flow.

Professional Assistance

By hiring professional plumbing services, you can address and resolve these problems effectively. Plumbers are trained experts who can diagnose the root cause of your water fluctuations and provide efficient solutions. They have the knowledge and tools to fix any plumbing issues, ensuring a consistent and reliable water supply in your home.

Call an Experienced Plumber Today

Have you experienced issues with the drains in your home? A clogged drain can lead to serious plumbing problems if not rectified immediately. Contact the trusted and knowledgeable plumbing team from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX at 281-391-2001 to schedule an appointment for service.

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What Is Silent Leak In Toilet

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" admin_label="section" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_row admin_label="row" _builder_version="4.16" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="|||" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" _builder_version="4.21.0" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"]Silent leaks in toilets are a common issue that often goes unnoticed. These leaks occur when water continuously flows from the tank into the bowl, even when the toilet is not being used. While the sound of running water may not be present, these leaks can waste a significant amount of water and increase water bills. It is estimated that a silent leak can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day, which can have a detrimental impact on both the environment and household finances.

How to Detect Silent Leak

Detecting a silent leak in a toilet requires a keen eye and attention to detail. Here are some key points to consider when trying to identify a silent leak:

Visual Inspection

Start by visually inspecting the toilet for any visible signs of leakage. Look for water pooling around the base of the toilet, dampness on the floor, or water stains on the walls or ceiling below the bathroom. These could be indicators of a silent leak.

Dye Test

Perform a dye test to check for leaks in the toilet tank. Add a few drops of food coloring or a dye tablet to the tank water and wait for at least 30 minutes without flushing. If the water in the bowl changes color, it indicates a leak from the tank into the bowl.

Water Meter

Test: Another method to detect a silent leak is by conducting a water meter test. Turn off all water sources in the house and take note of the water meter reading. Wait for a few hours without using any water, and then check the meter again. If the reading has changed, it suggests a leak somewhere in the plumbing system, including the toilet.

Sound Test

Sometimes, a silent leak can be detected by listening carefully for any sounds of water running when the toilet is not in use. If you hear a faint hissing or running water noise, it could be a sign of a silent leak.

How to Cure Silent Leak

When it comes to silent leaks in toilets, there are several potential causes that may not be widely discussed. One possible culprit is a faulty flapper valve. The flapper valve is responsible for sealing the flush valve opening, and if it is worn or damaged, it can result in water continuously leaking into the bowl. Another less common cause of silent leaks is a cracked overflow tube. The overflow tube prevents the toilet from overflowing, but if it develops a crack, water can slowly leak into the bowl without any noticeable signs. Additionally, a defective fill valve can also contribute to silent leaks.

To effectively cure a silent leak in a toilet, it is crucial to enlist the services of a professional plumber. A silent leak, also known as a phantom leak, can be difficult to detect as it does not produce any visible signs of water leakage. However, it can lead to wasted water and increased utility bills if left unaddressed. A plumber with a deep understanding of plumbing systems and expertise in leak detection can provide a thorough inspection and accurate diagnosis of the issue.

Call an Experienced Plumber Today

Have you experienced issues with the drains in your home? A clogged drain can lead to serious plumbing problems if not rectified immediately. Contact the trusted and knowledgeable plumbing team from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX at 281-391-2001 to schedule an appointment for service.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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Plumbing Issues You Should Leave To The Professionals

Being a homeowner is already a full-time job, so even if you feel tempted to spend your weekend repairing and renovating parts of the house, some tasks are best left to the professionals—especially when it comes to emergency plumbing problems.Here are five major plumbing issues that you shouldn’t try fixing yourself.

1. Running Toilets

Did you just experience a ghost flush? It’s when your toilet flushes itself when not in use. Don't worry, though, it's not an actual ghost—it’s a running toilet. Running toilets are usually the result of an underlying design flaw or an internal piping issue. Since these fixtures are complicated, only a professional should handle them.

2. Water Heater Issues

A water heater is a complicated appliance that requires professional maintenance and repair services from time to time. Whether you're dealing with heating, leak, pressure, rust, or malfunctioning anode rod issues, we don't recommend putting your DIY cap on.A plumber will take a closer look and detect any internal and external problems to prevent water damage and overflow.

3. Clogged Sewer Lines

Sewer clogs are a leading cause of foul smells, pipe corrosion, health problems, water contamination, and mold growth. Since sewers are often public domain, you need to get a plumber to deal with the issue.

4. A Significant Plumbing Installation

If you're planning to install a new radiator, water pressure booster, heater, vent, or any other significant plumbing fixture, don't do it yourself.The chances are that you might end up with a bigger problem on your hands if you miss even a small step in the process.

Plumbing in construction

5. Low Water Pressure in the Supply Line

Low water pressure could be due to a supply line issue or a leak somewhere else in your residential plumbing system. The odds are that you don’t have the appropriate tools and expertise to assess, detect, and fix these issues.

How Can We Help?

At 24/7 Plumbing Services Co., LP, we offer quality residential plumbing services and expert, licensed technicians. Our services include water heater repairs, re-piping, drain cleaning, unclogging, and emergency plumbing, among others.Learn more about our flexible financing options or contact us to book an appointment today!

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Signs Of a Water Leak - Infograph

The following signs point to a water leak in your home. If you see any of the following signs do call a plumber

Signs Of a Water Leak - Infograph
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Fixing a Clogged Sink: DIY or Call the Pros?

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A kitchen counter full of dirty dishes and water backing up the kitchen sink can frustrate you. If you’re tempted to go online and look for DIYs to unclog the drain, think again!

This blog discusses why it's viable to call a professional plumber than DIY-ing the clogged drain.

Is it a DIY Fix?

Drain opening products are inexpensive and easy to use, but they come with consequences. These products contain toxic and corrosive elements that can damage your septic system and plumbing. Spending a little to unclog the drain right now is better than spending hundreds of dollars on getting the plumbing replaced in the future.

Unless you know what you're doing and have the right equipment to do it, we advise you to call a plumber to fix a clogged sink. It'll save you money, reduce your plumbing cost, and damages in the future.

Calling a Plumber

Clogged sinks are second nature to plumbers!

They have ample experience to safely and quickly resolve the issue. It may seem like a simple clog to you, but a plumber has the expertise to understand if the case is more and complicated, and how to fix it.

a plumber lying on his back holding a kitchen sink drain pipe

How to Make the Decision?

We know everyone's tempted to unclog the drain themselves, but before you get on with the task, ask yourself these questions:

Question 1: Has the clog caused a mess that’s spreading?

If you answered yes, call a plumber!

You never know when a simple clog can lead to significant damage to your house. Not only is it an inconvenience, but it can also lead to a renter's or homeowner's insurance claim for damaged carpeting and furniture. Save yourself some hard cash by calling a professional from the get-go.

Question 2: Does the clog affect every drain in your house?

If so, your plumbing’s main drain may have a clog that must be taken care of immediately by a professional. If the answer is no, it may just be a localized issue, but still require urgent checking by a plumber to avoid wastewater flooding.

a plumber unscrewing the U trap of the sink to check for a clog

Question 3: Is the clogged sink in one of the critical areas of your house (like a kitchen or a bathroom you frequently use)?

If so, you can't afford to try DIY methods or wait it out, hoping that the clog to fix itself. Your kitchen and bathrooms are critical areas. You can't go about your day without using the sinks in these places. For immediate unclogging, call a plumber!

Are you facing the insufferable clogged sink? Don't worry! 24/7 Plumbing Co. has got you covered. We specialize in residential and commercial plumbing services in Houston, Richmond, Sugar Land, Rosenburg, and Katy, TX. Schedule an appointment with us at any time, and we'll be there at your service.


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Signs That You Have a Problem With Your Main Sewer Line

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.16" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="|||" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.22.0" hover_enabled="0" z_index_tablet="500" text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" link_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ul_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ol_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" quote_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_2_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_3_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_4_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_5_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_6_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" box_shadow_horizontal_tablet="0px" box_shadow_vertical_tablet="0px" box_shadow_blur_tablet="40px" box_shadow_spread_tablet="0px" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"]

Nobody realizes how lucky we are with our modern water supply and waste disposal systems – until they get a dreaded blocked sewer line.

When all of that sewage waste and water starts backing up into your toilets, bathtub, or mudroom sinks, it can make for a rather traumatic experience. However, if you know the early warning signs of a clog in your main sewer line, you can catch it early and deal with it before it becomes severe.

What Causes a Blocked Sewer Line?

When there is a blockage in your main sewer line that prevents the sewage water from flowing smoothly, it results in clogs and subsequent backups.

Intrusive tree roots, debris, and broken pipes are some of the most common reasons your sewer line could get clogged. Sometimes, debris like feminine products and toilet paper can also lead to obstructions in the pipes.

Warning Signs of Sewer Main Problems

Here are the top warning signs that indicate a sewer pipeline blockage:

Clogged Drains Throughout Your Home

Do you have drains throughout your house that are emitting a gurgling noise or foul odor? If the draining in your toilet, sink, shower, or bathtub are moving slowly and creating strange smells and sounds, it means you have a main sewer blockage. Since every drain connects to the main sewer line, a clog in the main line can affect multiple drains in your home.

Water Backs Up Into Drains

Does water back up into your shower when you flush the toilet? That happens when you have a blocked sewer line, and the flushed water cannot be eliminated. This means the water is forced to find a different outlet, which is usually the shower drain.

You should also check if the water is overflowing to other plumbing fixtures in your home, such as bathroom sinks and the washing machine. Turn the water on in the sink and watch the toilet closely. Does the water level rise? If yes, it’s a clear sign that your main sewer line is clogged.

Same goes for your washing machine. Turn it on and see if water comes up through the shower drain or bathtub. If it does, it also means there is a blockage in the main sewer line.

Drainage in Sewer Cleanout

If you see sewage draining out of or standing in the sewer cleanout of your home, it means you have sewer main problems.

A sewer cleanout is a pipe that’s directly connected to the main sewer line in your home. It essentially helps the plumbers access your main sewer line in order to clean out any clogs. The cleanout is located in the basement or right outside your home.

Think You Have a Blocked Sewer Line?

If you spot one or more of these signs, you should call a plumbing professional right away. Don’t try to “deal with it” yourself or you may end up making the problem even worse. And leaving blocked sewer lines unattended not only causes a major inconvenience, but also poses a serious health hazard.

A skilled plumber will use their arsenal of tools and expertise to diagnose and fix the problem very quickly. While they are taking care of the blockage in your main sewer line, they will also make sure that the rest of your pipes are in top condition.Looking to have your plumbing problems solved on time and on a budget? 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP is your trusted expert in the Katy area. Contact us today at 281-391-2001 to schedule a free in-home estimate.


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Can You Repair a Broken Water Heater on Your Own?

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.16" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="|||" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.21.0" hover_enabled="0" z_index_tablet="500" text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" link_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ul_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ol_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" quote_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_2_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_3_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_4_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_5_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_6_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" box_shadow_horizontal_tablet="0px" box_shadow_vertical_tablet="0px" box_shadow_blur_tablet="40px" box_shadow_spread_tablet="0px" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"]The water heater is one of the most important appliances in your home. Why? This unit heats the water you use daily for various tasks. No one likes to bathe or shower in cold water. You should use warm water to wash your hands. Warm water is needed to run the dishwasher and washing machine. You use warm water daily. When the water heater fails completely or suffers an issue, the only way you should fix it is by calling an experienced plumber from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX. Below are some reasons why you should never repair a broken water heater on your own.

Dealing with Electric and Gas

Most water heaters are powered by natural gas. Working on this unit without being a licensed plumber is never a good idea. You will need to turn off the electric to the unit as well as deactivate the gas being fed to the unit for any and all repairs. The most minor mistake if the gas is left on when trying to repair a water heater can lead to deadly consequences.

Cause Undue Damage

You might not be thinking about it now, but trying to repair your water heater without proper training can lead to undue damage. You might wind up making things worse, which will lead to a more costly repair down the line. Call your local plumber at the first sign of water heater trouble, and your repair bill will be much less than if you try to make the repairs yourself and wind up causing thousands of dollars in damage.

Can’t Properly Diagnose the Problem

Since you are not trained to be a plumber, you might think that the water heater only needs a minor repair to get it back up and running effectively. You might not see underlying issues that could lead to the unit bursting, ultimately flooding your home and costing thousands of dollars in repairs unrelated to the unit itself. Any underlying issue could be a sign that the water heater cannot be repaired, but instead be replaced completely.

Don’t Know the Best Units on the Market

If it comes down to having to replace the water heater, you likely don’t know the best units on the market. A plumber will be able to provide you with the best options for your home and the size of your family. A plumber will know the units that offer the best rebates and are the most efficient when it comes to water, electric, and gas usage.


Anyone who chooses to repair their water heater themselves, which is never a smart idea, could wind up finding themselves in a time-consuming project. An experienced plumber will be able to make the necessary repairs during one service call, for the most part.

Schedule an Appointment for Water Heater Repair

Has your water heater stopped providing hot water? Are you not getting enough hot water for a shower? Did you find water at the base of the water heater? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to put your trust in an experienced plumber from 24/7 Plumbing Co., LP in Katy, TX for the repairs. Contact us today at 281-391-2001 to schedule an appointment for service.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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